Category: Supply Chain

Innovative Planning, Superior Results.

Cargo Containers

SCM Awareness: Distribution Planning

This is concerned with the transportation and storage of raw materials and finished products.  It should still fit into the strategic plan but I’m going to separate it out on its own because it is often overlooked at this stage in the big picture and only addressed in more short term planning when it is…
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Strategy Plan

SCM Awareness: Strategic Planning

The Strategic plan is linked to the Business Plan and will have been set by senior management. It is still a very high-level strategic plan for the organisation but this is one you are more likely to encounter especially when annual goals are being set. Those goals are likely to have originated in the strategic…
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Business Planning

SCM Awareness: Business Planning

Business Planning is about deciding what the company will do and how.  It is a very high-level stage in the planning process.  It is quite likely in fact that if you are an employee you will never actually see this document as it will contain highly confidential information.  However you should be aware of some…
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Balancing Supply and Demand

SCM Awareness: Balancing Supply and Demand

A major challenge in planning is finding the balance between supply and demand.  An imbalance between the two will have a serious impact on the efficient and profitable running of your business.  Too much supply may result in excess stock or capacity which represent unnecessary cost in the business Too much demand will put unsustainable…
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Supply Chain Review

10 Ways to Optimize your Supply Chain

One of the constant challenges we face in industry is to optimize the supply chain. The supply chain environment is often set up to buffer against inefficiencies elsewhere in the organisation but there are some steps you can take to mitigate against that and optimize your supply chain. 1.       Define the Strategic…
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Returning to Work post Covid 19

Planning to reopen your business post Covid-19.

So as we are now exiting lock-down many companies are looking to either ramp up operations or even completely restart after a total lock-down.  This can be a daunting prospect after a Christmas shutdown never mind a 3-month lock-down.  With social distancing etc things are unlikely to return to normal for a long time.  However,…
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Post Covid Supply Chain

Top 7 Post-Covid challenges for Planning and Supply Chain

So as we are approaching half way through 2020 mid-year performance reviews are probably in full swing. How has it been for you?  I would safely say it turned out significantly different to how you imagined in December/January.  I know it certainly was for me. In January I had heard of a virus in China…
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The Right Supply Chain

So what are the goals of supply chain management and planning.  You want to deliver the right product Right Products:  Having the product the customer wants. Depending on the industry and company that can change.  For example what the customer wants this year may not be what they wanted last year.  Producing last year’s smart…
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Warehouse Inventory

Inventory Management

Inventory is a buffer against uncertainty.  A common image that I first came across when studying Goldratt’s Theory of constraints (which I highly recommend by the way), is that of a ship sailing on a lake.  The ship represents the company and the water inventory.  Below the water are rocks representing problems in the company. …
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Returning to Work post Covid 19

Balancing Supply and demand

The major challenge in planning is finding the balance between supply and demand.  An imbalance between the two will have a serious impact on the efficient and profitable running of the business.  Too much supply (above and beyond the planned and targeted level set for valid business reasons) will result in: Building excess inventory which will…
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