Category: Startups

Innovative Planning, Superior Results.

Your PC has built in Ransomwear protection

As you may be aware there is an ongoing ransomware attack on the health service in Ireland. But this is just the latest in an increasing number of such attacks. An attack on the Colonial oil pipeline in the US showed how our supply chains and businesses are vunerable to such attacks. In light of…
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Don’t accept “impossible”.

“The odds are never impossible, merely improbable”. That may be a sweeping statement but it is a useful mindset to instill in your organisation. Don’t accept that a problem is impossible to solve or an opportunity is impossible to win. Approach them as improbable but not impossible. Examine the options and if it is found…
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What can business learn from how Google innovate

Google have launched over 600 products. How do they do that and what can we learn from them? At the heart of their innovation are their “8 Pillars”. 1 MISSION THAT MATTERSHave a mission that matters. Google’s mission is to ‘organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.’ This simple statement to…
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Start ups are key to the Recovery

Thanks to Scale Ireland for hosting a very interesting discussion on the role of indigenous tech start-ups & scale-up companies in the recovery today. As we emerge from Covid-19 and Brexit there will be huge opportunities for Startups and there are lots of resources out there to help you make that leap into entrepreneurship.

FarmProtect wins place on EI programme

Enterprise Ireland Competition Update! – If you read our local media, you may have learnt that a company I’m involved in won participation in the Enterprise Ireland Funded New Frontiers Phase II programme in Waterford worth €45k in supports to help progress this new and innovative intelligent intrusion detection technology. Despite social distancing in…
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