Evaluate your business
PlanPotential can conduct audits of your Business to identify opportunities for improvement and cost savings. We will look at every aspect of your process including the inputs, tools, team and outputs to ensure you are getting the best out of your business.
As part of this process we will firstly study your planning systems and processes to gather an understanding of not only what you do but why you do it. Often apparent inefficiencies in one system have been introduced to overcome actual inefficiencies on another so it is only in gaining an understanding of both the what and the why that this can be exposed.
This review includes a study of your systems and procedures for:
- Competence and training of your team.
- Methods, processes and techniques used.
- Key measurements and metrics and how they are used to analyse the business performance.
- Equipment, materials and the environment of the Planning & Supply Chain department(s).
- Information flow and key stakeholder relationships.
- Customer Service performance.
- Inventory levels.
- Demand management and forecasting.
- Bills of Materials and Bills of Resources.
- Capacity Optimiziation.
- Inventory levels.
- Procurement.
- Production scheduling.
- Plan communication and execution.