Coaching & Mentoring
Utilising 25 years of experience in business and education we can provide ongoing coaching & mentoring for you & your team to ensure you continue to achieve your best performance.
Find out moreTraining
Training, guidance & mentoring to allow you and your team to deliver better performance faster & more cost effectively. From beginners to advanced the training can be tailored to your team’s needs.
Find out moreExpertise
Evaluate your business functions to identify opportunities for improvement & cost savings such as Process Mapping, Supply Chain Optimisation, Inventory Reduction & ERP implementation.
Find out moreWhy Good Planning is key to your business success
We live in a time when the world has never been more connected. The device you are reading this on has come through some of the most complex supply chains in history in order to reach you. Yet the challenges to our supply chains have never been greater. Good planning is key to your success.
But planning is not easy. If it was then there would be far fewer warehouses, no shortages to customers and no business failure. A properly functioning planning department should sit as the hub of the business through which all the information and operational decisions in the company flows. It is cricital that they get those decisions right.
Better Planners make better plans. We can help you achieve this.
About PlanPotential
Why PlanPotential
PlanPotential was founded by Colm Flynn after he identified a need for training and mentorship of planning and supply chain teams. Colm has over 20 years’ experience in operationa and business management and startups from multinationals to small startups to and in a range of industries including Medical Devices, Cosmetics, Electronics and Agri-Food. Anna Marie has over 20 years of experience in education in Ireland and internationally and adds her experience and coaching skills to the team.
Contact UsServices
How we can help you
We have expanded our offering to now provide a range of consultancy, training, and coaching services.
Coaching & Mentoring
Life and work isn’t easy and it can often seem overwhelming to experienced staff never mind inexperienced ones. But there are very few problems that have not been seen before and for whom an entirely new solution needs to be developed. With experience you learn how to quickly overcome challenges and adapt to the new situation. We can help develop that ability within yourself and your team.
Evaluate your business
PlanPotential can conduct audits of your business to identify opportunities for improvement and cost savings. We will look at every aspect of your process including the inputs, tools, team and outputs to ensure you are getting the best out of your business.
Production & SCM Planning
Production planning and Supply Chain Management isn’t easy. We can help you optimise these key functions to ensure your business is optimised for the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
For companies with new or inexperienced planners we can provide training, expertise and mentoring to allow them deliver better plans, faster, and more cost effectively. Our training and coaching in Production Planning and Supply Chain Management will be specifically tailored for the needs of your business and your team.
Lets talk about your needs
Free 30 minute consultation
Free 30 minute consultation with us to determine what your needs are and how best we can meet them. This is a no obligation offer. In the unlikely event that after the 30 minutes you feel our service is not for you then there is no catch.
Book a 1-2-1